Back to the very basics

August 21, 2018 Categorized in: Featured ArticlePersonal Development

What would you consider to be the “Mount Rushmore” of workplace conduct essentials—the four simplest attitudes or practices that an admin must master quickly to advance in a career? Here are the ones we believe deserve a place on any monument:

1. Punctuality. Let’s start with a truly nuts-and-bolts facet of being a good worker. Your reputation for professionalism begins with being on time, every day, for all things, and never creating a distraction by having people wonder where you are.

2. Clarity. Writing and speaking well are necessary to gain trust. Are your emails well-crafted? Is your diction clear and effective?

3. Reserve. Oversharing, gossiping and the needless creation of drama are terrible habits for the upwardly mobile. The old adage “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” has never stopped being true when it comes to speaking and relating at work.

4. A “yes” mentality. Even good admins say “no” once in a while to work that they believe they just can’t fit in, seems unfair or is outside the scope of their duties. But great ones first consider all the ways they might be able to take it all on.